Monday, August 16, 2010

more summer fun...

Mommy's Kindergarten classroom and the cutest baby presents ever...

Up in Breckenridge for the Police and Fire Games...Daddy's team played softball and got 2nd place!

Dec being silly as Where's Waldo...yes, he likes to do the splits!

Daddy and Declan around the house...

Pics from our time at the Oregon coast, visiting family in Oregon, playing at Sandy Point in Boise...

Some pics from our 20 hour drive from Denver to Boise....this was when everyone was still happy...

Lastly, the cutest videos for a while...

Monday, August 9, 2010

Summer Time Fun...

It seems like this summer flew by...we thought 3 months was so long, but we are winding down and getting back into the routine of normal life again. Here are some things we've been up to this summer...

Grandpa Larry and Declan at the Denver zoo...

"Hot Stuff" Dec sitting on the kitchen counter...

Declan and his good friend Jackson getting ready to run at the zoo...after they kicked a bush.

Dec playing in the best $30 present we've ever bought...

Daddy and Dec finding a cool spot in our Colorado heat.