Sunday, September 5, 2010

Time is Flying...

Over the past few weeks, our family has been through many experiences and learned more about our family unit. While I have not worked in 18 months, I got a job teaching KINDER, set up a classroom, left my little boy in the loving hands of my dear friend Lauren and met my little "handful" kinders. Gav is working almost solo downtown since all his coworkers are gone for a couple of weeks, putting more pressure on him...and he still believes he is the only one working, therefore he has taken more overtime in the last 3 weeks than in recent memory...

Declan on the other hand has grown leaps and bounds..he is talking a ton- mommy, daddy, cool, Ella, cars, truck, plane, zoo, eat, I need help, I need more, snack, I need aqua/ water/milk...and letting the dogs eat all his snacks...he has started making 'vroom, vroom' sounds whenever he has a little hotwheel car in his hands...he adores his daddy and is constantly acting more and more like him...he loves his mommy and his future wife should just know that now...when the phone rings he screams "phone, phone" and when we say hello, he wants to know if it's "gra gra" (grandma)...

we love this little boy so much...we are blessed by his spirit in our home. our favorite thing he does, besides laughing constantly, is when we pray before bedtime and get kisses after, as well as an "I love you"....


  1. I can not believe how many teeth that kid has!!

  2. Great pictures Jen! What a cutie. Aren't little boys the best?

